Advanced Regression Therapy Masterclass
***New in-depth regression skills masterclass over 2 weekends
In hypnotherapy regression is a technique we utilise to access and explore repressed memories on the understanding that repressed memories create symptoms. Most memories in regression work however are known about – what is repressed are the feelings, thoughts and unconscious fantasies which the memory provokes. Working through these from different perspectives, in and out of trance, and gaining new insights can alleviate the client’s symptoms and create change.
Regression as a term also denotes a particular type of defence mechanism, a reversion to earlier developmental stages and mind states. With reference to a case study we’ll see how we go in and out of regressed states in the course of our everyday life, and how powerfully past experiences can cause physical symptoms, distort our experience of reality and play havoc with our self-esteem and ability to get on in life.
Weekend 1:
This weekend will broaden your understanding of regression and build your confidence in utilising regression as part of your treatment plan.
The main objectives of the weekend are to:
❖ Learn how to build the client’s regression skills
❖ Show that regression work is effective at different levels of trance state
❖ Learn how to utilise a variety of transformative techniques
❖ Make links between the past and the here and now
❖ Take account of false memory syndrome
❖ Learn about memories in relation to our identity and how to deal with related issues
Weekend 2:
During this weekend we will take the regression skills further.
We will increase your awareness of underlying patterns within the psyche so you can add an extra dimension to your regression work. The greater your awareness, the more you can address with your clients. Symbolism and myth will also be explored.
You will learn about:
❖ Donald Winicott’s developmental model and the concept of the true and false self.
❖ Neville Symington’s model of narcissism, that reveals an underlying self- protective structure that restricts our autonomy, freedom and the capacity, to be loving trusting and giving.
❖ Different types of regression: spontaneous; facilitated; induced; recognized and contracted.
❖ False memory syndrome and screen memories.
Construct a loss history graph from your birth to now:
❖ This enables your clients to review the impact which change has had on their life and can provide the basis for an effective treatment plan.
You will utilize a birth regression script to explore:
❖ Your time in the womb and your birth
❖ The family myth of your birth
❖ For those who are interested, there will be a ‘past life’ and ‘between life’ script allowing you to explore your conception; karmic links with your parents and your purpose for being here.
❖ Otherwise a regression process, which is relevant to you given the material we’ve covered can be chosen.
Next Course Date
10am -5pm (9.30am registration)
London Waterloo
Cost: £495.00
Lecturer: Bernadette Jaye
Course Registration and Payments
Complete your enrolment by paying either the registration fee or the one-off course payment. The remaining course balance will be due before the 1st day of the course for all registration fee only enrolments. There is no need to fill in registration forms for paypal payments. We are happy to also accept your enrolment over telephone at 020 7642 0272
Registration Fee Only Payment £125.00
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One-off Course Fee Payment £495.00