The Teaching Faculty
The Faculty of the ICH consists of qualified hypnotherapists. Our lecturers have gained a wealth of experience from in their careers are adhere to the ICH high quality criteria of training.
Thanks to the experience and enthusiasm of the Faculty lecturers, ICH courses always achieve very high satisfaction scores from students for clarity, information content and sheer enjoyment.

Teija Barr MSc MCH DHP DCH Teija is the Principal of ICH and responsible for the learning development and all professional and ethical standards. Originally an ICH graduate she has trained extensively in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Hypnosis, NLP and CBT Coaching in United Kingdom and in the United States, and holds MSc in Clinical Hypnosis. Teija has private hypnotherapy practice in London and is a consultant hypnotherapist in an occupational therapy team in an international corporation in London Canary Wharf. She also works for the NHS as a counsellor. Her background is in Electronic Engineering, and with over 20 years of experience in Investment Banking and the Energy Trading Technology in the City of London Financial Sector, has gained a deep understanding of the issues people face at work and in their personal and professional lives. She has a specific interest in working with anxiety disorders as well as emotional disturbances caused by relationship issues. Teija is currently working towards completing her Doctorate in Health Sciences. She is the current Chair of the Finnish Hypnosis Association and the UK Complimentary & National Healthcare Council Board Member

Nicola Martin MSc MCH FICH Nicola is the Principal Lecturer and the Founder of the ICH. She has been involved in hypnotherapy for over twenty years, both as a noted private practitioner and a lecturer. She has trained extensively in the United Kingdom and the United States and is Board Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) in the USA. Nicola specialises in hypnotic Deep State Training. She completed her MSc in Rational Emotive and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at Goldsmiths London University under Professor Windy Dryden. CBT is an integral part of the ICH training.

Patrick Browning MA LLM MCH DHP DCH Patrick originally qualified as a barrister and chartered accountant and became an investment banker and later a finance director. Since qualifying with the ICH, Patrick has built a general hypnotherapy practice in Kensington and he also works as a practitioner at the Cancer Support Centre in Battersea. He has a particular interest in medical issues such as cancer, hypertension, eating disorders and IBS. Patrick lectures on Creating Hypnotic Language and on Eye Movement Therapies and on hypnotherapy generally to lay groups. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine.

Bernadette Jaye MSc BACP MCH FICH Bernadette is one of the UK's leading practitioners in past life regression therapy, in addition to being a highly respected hypnotherapist and one of the ICH's most appreciated lecturers. Her warm and down to earth approach to her specialism enables her to conduct Certificate and Diploma courses in past life regression, both in conjunction with the ICH as well as under her own banner. She runs a hypno-analytical practice in which she combines counselling skills and hypnosis from a psychodynamic and transpersonal perspective. Bernadette also heads the team of ICH supervisors responsible for assisting students during their training.

Gemma Rees DCH Hyp.Ad Gemma is responsible for the ICH Hypnobirthing Certification and Fertility courses. Gemma is an expert in Hypnobirthing and Fertility issues, a fully trained Hypnobirthing practitioner and fully trained ICH Clinical Hypnotherapist. Having given birth to 5 children, Gemma is well positioned to teach others how to maximise their enjoyment of the birthing process in her “Happy Birthday Baby” programme. She is charismatic, knowledgeable and in much demand as a hypnobirthing practitioner.

Lynda Hudson BA Psych MBPsS DBSCH Lynda, a former teacher, is author of two highly acclaimed books in the ‘Scripts and Strategies’ series. These books have received remarkable praise from such greats as Rubin Battino, Roy Hunter and Gil Boyne. In addition to hypnotherapy she has numerous professional qualifications in other psychotherapies. She has been in private practice in SE London since the early nineties and now specialises in childhood problems. She runs her own training events in the Use of Hypnosis with Children and is highly sought after for her free-lance lectures. She has been called ‘the acknowledged expert in the use of hypnotherapy with children’

Philip Smith BSc (Hons) Philip holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is a qualified Clinical Mindfulness Teacher (ELK- Health Foundation), NLP Master Practitioner and also holds a diploma as a Nutritional Therapist. Philip lecturers at the ICH in Mindfulness and Hypnotherapy. He also works as a therapist in private practice, using hypnosis and mindfulness and combination of therapies to help his clients overcome wide range of issues including stress, anxiety, phobias and how to deal with physical and emotional pain. Philip is a caring and compassionate individual who endeavours to give the very best to his clients, as well as a lecturer.

Hazel Gale DCH DHP Hazel is originally an ICH graduate who has held a number of titles including World and European Full Contact Kickboxing Champion and English ABA Boxing Champion. She has numerous diplomas in Cognitive and Sports Hypnosis and is a Master NLP Practitioner.

Kim Robinson DCH Kim is a qualified ICH trained Clinical Hypnotherapist. Prior to this he spent his career in live entertainment as a Touring and Production Manager dealing with many major performing artists as well as working on large-scale musical productions. His interest in hypnosis started over 30 years ago when he developed a fascination for stage hypnosis. He now entertains audiences using hypnosis, magic and mentalism as well as seeing clients in his private practise.

Katja Kareinen DCH DHP CSLE TM KK Katja qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapists through the ICH in Finland and has been working as a full-time therapist since 2020. She has a person centred approach to her client work and works holistically. She holds a Master's degree in Orthodox Theology, Batchelor's degree in Education, is a CSLE Coach for leaders and executives, a qualified Art Therapist, Sexologist and a Motivational Coach. Katja is interested in working with traumas, learning issues and self-esteem. She teaches on the ICH Foundation courses in Finland.

Johanna Konttila M.Ed Johanna is a professional mental trainer, ICH trained Clinical Hypnotherapist, corporate trainer, HRD-professional and certified business coach with 20+ years of experience in different businesses, organizations and with different groups of people, ranging from Olympic and world-class athletes and sports teams, as well as business executives and organizational teams. Johanna holds Master of Education in Behavioural Sciences. Whether sports or business concerned, she has special interest working with high-performance where hypnosis is a key tool. Under her training program, professionals, executives and athletes have reached new heights, attaining and surpassing their goals. She has coached both World and European Champions (silver & bronze medallists), and dozens of national champions.

Sanna Leino MBA Sanna is passionate about strengthening and repairing relationships. As a certified Conflict Mediator (NVC), she enjoys using her skills in helping to build bridges between people. With her skills as a Certified Progress Coach and a strong background in business, she frequently trains managers strengthening their interpersonal skills to become better leaders. As an NLP Trainer & Consultant (NLPU), hypnotherapy has added a powerful dimension to her ability to help individuals with their inner conflicts and struggles. Sanna is an ICH trained Hypnotherapist.